Do Event Menu

From the main screen, pressing “2” will enter the “Do Event” menu.
In this menu you are able to do single operations very quickly. Pressing the number of the desired operation enters the menu for that operation. You can quickly rough out a certain area, thread, tap or drill, by only filling out a few fields.
Above you can see the information that is required to perform the operations from the Do Event menu.
From left to right, Rough, Drill, and Chamfer.
The Roughing operation requires the “end” position in diameter and Z.
Example: Turn a 2″ diameter shaft down to 1.5″ diameter, a distance of 1″ from Z0.0 on the face of the workpiece.
In this case, you would enter a END diameter of 1.5″, and a END Z of -1.0″.
The Diameter step, is the depth of cut per pass. The Engage feed, is the feed rate in X Towards the workpiece. The Cross Feed, is the feed rate in Z while cutting the workpiece, and the Retract Feed, is the feed in X Away from the workpiece.
The box should be filled out:
Once the fields are complete, you press enter

At this point, the screen to the left is displayed indication “CHECK LOCN”, prompting you to position the tool to the starting point.
In this example, the starting point would be 2.0″ in X axis, and 0.0″ in Z axis, plus some margin for safety. We will use X2.050″ and Z0.200″ for this example.
the next step is to turn the spindle on, and press start to begin turning.
The machine should move (in 0.100″ step) to X1.910″ and feed across the workpiece to Z-1.0 at a feed rate of .010″ per revolution.
It will repeat this, moving in 0.100″ in diameter (1.910″, 1.810″, 1.710″, ect..) until reaching the desired 1.50″ diameter.
Upon completion, the tool will return to the original starting point.
The operations with similar behavior, such as Drilling, Tapping, Threading and Facing, All operate similarly. Generally, you specify the endpoint, and position the tool to the starting point, and it will generate the one time toolpath for the given conditions.
Other operations like Chamfer, Taper tell the control to synchronize the X and Z axis to give the desired motion by only turning one of the handwheels. The syncronization is turn on and off using the select button on the command box.